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An Underwater Discovery

Shark Slumber Party: Thousands of Female Sharks Gather for a Seafloor Sleep-In

An Underwater Discovery

An underwater robot has stumbled upon a surprising sight on the ocean floor: thousands of sharks having a slumber party.

The mysterious gathering was videoed by an underwater robot known as a remotely operated vehicle, on August 13, 2024, while wrapping up a two-week research expedition at Beagle Marine Park in New South Wales, Australia.

The footage shows thousands of Port Jackson sharks, a type of small, non-venomous shark that is common in Australian waters, tightly packed like a carpet across the sea floor.

Girls Only

It appears that no boy sharks were invited to this gathering of sleeping female Port Jackson sharks.

"We've never seen anything like this before," said Dr. Rebecca Johnson, a marine biologist at Macquarie University who was involved in the research. "It's incredibly rare to see so many sharks of the same species聚集ed together in one place."

A Restful Retreat

The sharks were found resting on the seafloor in water that was about 30 meters (98 feet) deep.

The researchers believe that the sharks were using the seafloor as a resting spot after a long period of feeding or migration.

Sharks need to conserve energy, and resting on the seafloor allows them to do so while still remaining close to their food sources.

"It's a very clever way for the sharks to maximize their energy efficiency," said Dr. Johnson.

"This discovery provides new insights into the behavior of Port Jackson sharks and highlights the importance of protecting their habitat."
